Breastmilk is Far Superior to artificial baby milk

Breastmilk contains more than 200 substances. We are not sure what they all do but you can bet they all have a purpose.

Breastmilk contains proteins, carbohydrates, and fats in the proper proportions. The fatty acids have been linked to higher I.Q. (These substances have been introduced into modern day formula but they are produced from genetically altered algae and have not been proven to work in formula). CowÕs milk, soy proteins, corn syrup, sugar, soy oil and coconut oils are used in infant formula not because they are best but because they are cheap and available.

Breastmilk contains substances that actively fight disease. These include special enzymes such as lipase, lactoferrin, and lysozyme, as well as antibodies and white blood cells (WBCÕs). There is an average of 20,000 WBCÕs per teaspoon in mature milk. Colostrum has up to 5 million per teaspoon and pre-term colostrum/milk may have double the amount of term colostrum.

Breastmilk has been proven to fight diarrheal illnesses, colds, ear infections, bronchitis, bacterial meningitis, bladder infections, botulism, bacteremia, life threatening gastrointestinal disease, and RSV (respiratory syncytical virus). It decreases the incidence of ear infections by 60% and lower respiratory infections (like bronchitis) by 80%.

Breastmilk has also been shown to protect against, leukemia, lymphoma (another childhood cancer), multiple sclerosis, allergic diseases, asthma, obesity, and chronic digestive diseases such as ChrohnsÕs disease and ulcerative colitis.

Breastmilk is non-allergenic. CowÕs milk and soy formulas are highly allergic by comparison. CowÕs milk proteins are being studied as possible triggers for diabetes.

Breastmilk contains the exact amount of iron needed for your babyÕs growth. FormulaÕs have 4000% more iron than baby needs. One reason formula has so much iron is because the proteins in cowÕs milk are so irritating that they actually cause some microscopic bleeding in your babyÕs intestines, which leads to anemia.

Breastmilk is inexpensive. Formula generally costs in excess of $1,000 dollars for the first year.

Breastmilk is more completely digested because the proteins in breastmilk are more liquid than in formula. It is also more easily digested because it contains enzymes that actually help the baby to digest it.

Breastmilk constantly changes in response to babyÕs age, length of feeding, time of day, and environment. One example of how it changes with age is that the first milk (Colostrum) is higher in antibodies and is more liquid (its 90% whey) than mature milk. Mature milk is 60%-70% whey or liquid. During a feeding, your milk starts out higher in water and ends up higher in fat. The amount of fat in the milk changes with the time of day and is at its highest in the afternoon. But the changes in your milk donÕt end there because at 2 years and at 4-5 years its antibody levels surge. And on a day-to-day basis the antibodies in your milk change in response to whatever germs your baby has been exposed to. Your body is better able to reformulate the levels of antibodies in breastmilk if the baby actually receives the breastmilk via the breast. MomÕs body is able to learn to make more milk if stimulated consistently at a certain time of day and able to decrease making milk when a feeding is routinely missed.

Developed by Christine Betzold NP MSN CLC. May be used without permission for educational purposes. Revised 1/11



Breastfeeding is Far Superior to Bottle-feeding


Breastfeeding saves lives by reducing the risks of sudden infant death syndrome-the third leading cause of death in infants under 8 months.

Other illnesses that are being studied and have been linked to lower rates in breastfed infants include: Hypertension, breast cancer, obesity, asthma, high cholesterol, and heart disease.

Breastfeeding mothers return to pre-pregnant weight earlier than formula feeding mothers do and have reduced rates of adult onset diabetes, premenopausal breast cancer and ovarian cancer.

Breastfeeding reduces osteoporosis (bone thinning) in the mother.

Breastfed children are healthier thus parents take fewer sick days and have more time for other siblings and each other.

Breastfeeding is a natural non-hormonal method of birth control for up to 3-6 months IF: your menstrual cycles have not resumed, and NO other foods, infant formulas or fluids including water are given, NO pacifier use, baby fed on demand (NO SCHEDULING), and baby does not go longer than SIX hours without nursing (even at night). It is 98% effective, when used correctly, in preventing pregnancy. Talk with your health care provider, if you are considering using this method.

Breastfeeding improves maternal/infant bonding. The release of prolactin (the milk making hormone) enhances mood and has mothering effects on the brain. The release of oxytocin (the milk let down hormone) brings about feelings of wellness and relaxation. Oxytocin is also released in the brain of the mother and the infant due to their increased skin-to-skin contact.

Breastfeeding is environmentally friendly. Breastmilk is manufactured in the mother. There is no waste or shopping. Also less bottles to purchase, wash or discard.

Breastfeeding controls bleeding after birth, reduces anemia, and helps the uterus return to normal faster.

Breastfed babies have lower rates of diabetes.

Breastfed babies have fewer dental, jaw and speech problems.

This is just the beginning, the field of lactation/breastfeeding is in its infancy. We still have much to learn about the purpose and function of the components of breastmilk, the benefits of breastfeeding, and the dynamic relationship between mother and child.

Developed by Christine Betzold RNP MSN CLC. May be used without permission for educational purposes. Revised 1/11