Falling in Love with Nursing

Maybe you’ll Fall in Love with Nursing if you see it as an opportunity to, hold, sing, read, rock, love, murmur endearments, groom, and caress your baby.
Maybe you’ll Fall in Love with Nursing if you remember why you chose to nurse your baby.
Maybe you’ll Fall in Love with Nursing if you just look at your baby nursing and think about how much you love him or her.
Maybe you’ll Fall in Love with Nursing if you take a rebirthing bath with baby--light an aromatic candle, put on some quiet soothing music, wrap naked baby tightly in a receiving blanket get into warm bath with baby, bathe by candlelight, slowly unwrap baby and place baby near your breast and see what happens over the next half hour.
Maybe you’ll Fall in Love with Nursing if you practice patience and persevere.
Maybe you’ll Fall in Love with Nursing if you realize that you can rest while nursing.
Maybe you’ll Fall in Love with Nursing if you realize you have one hand free to do other things while nursing.
Maybe you’ll Fall in Love with Nursing if you remember that you are breastfeeding because you want to and not because you have to. Some women have to wean and then re-start breastfeeding to realize this.
Maybe you’ll Fall in Love with Nursing if you just do two nursings a day.
Maybe you’ll Fall in Love with Nursing if you realize you don’t have to get out of bed for nighttime feedings.
Maybe you’ll Fall in Love with Nursing if you just cultivate it long enough.

If you nurse long enough Maybe you’ll Fall in Love with Nursing when:
Your baby looks lovingly into your eyes, pats your breast, plays with your hair or caresses your face while nursing.
Your baby laughs with joy because you are getting ready to nurse or sitting in a favorite nursing spot.
Your baby becomes efficient at feeding and is finished in 15-20 minutes and you realize there are no bottles to wash and none to bring when going out.
Your baby is 3 months or 7 months or 1 year.
Your baby is old enough to begin weaning and can have a cracker instead.
Your baby is healthy, when others are ill.
Your baby thrives on your milk and you are empowered by the realization that it was your milk and your milk alone that provided all of the nourishment.
Your baby is quickly and easily soothed by your breast when ill, fussy, tired or hurt.

Most women fall in love with nursing, some at birth, yet others must cultivate the relationship and wait for the beauty of breastfeeding her baby to unfold...