C Continue to breastfeed exclusively until around six months. Your milk continues to protect your child from disease and illness.

COnce you start solids/other fluids of any sort many moms find their baby become ill for the first time. This is because other fluids or foods raise the acidity of the baby’s stomach killing SOME of the factors in your milk that fight disease.

CBut although your child may become ill for the first time your baby will be LESS ill when you continue to breastfeed a minimum of 1 year.


Y Immunizations (like breastfeeding)

remain very important for your

child’s health. Next shots are at 6,

12/13, and 18 months.

Y Shaking, tossing, or swinging your`

baby playfully or in anger can cause

brain damage.

Y Keep the Poison Control number

and Syrup of Ipecac handy.

( Call Poison Control before using


Y Protect your child’s hearing

limit/avoid loud noises.


Y Infant walkers may cause injuries.

Y Place smoke detectors near

bedrooms and in hallways.

Y Keep all smoke away from

baby~if you are a smoker ask your

HCP about quitting


*Check that crib is painted with non-lead based paint and that bars are no more than 2-3/8 inches apart and have no corner posts.

*Once baby is sitting/standing, lower crib mattress and remove crib toys.



9 Place baby BACK to SLEEP

9Co-Sleep or safely Bedshare 9 Hold baby when feeding with a bottle.

9 Pacifiers should not be placed on a string around babies neck. Avoid necklaces.

9 Soft surfaces, pillows, blankets, water beds, bean bags, plastics, balloons, ribbons, and other small objects continue to be a threat.

9Check to be sure that babies sleeping area is away form cords, blinds, windows, and drapes.

9Be near baby when feeding food-feed only soft mashed food.


Rear-facing seats may be discontinued once your baby is 20 lb. AND 6 months. Continue to use the seat EVERY time for EVERY ride. Check that seat is properly installed before EVERY ride.

The safest place for the car seat is in the middle back seat.

Serious or fatal injury may occur if baby is placed in front seat of a car equipped with an air bag.

Baby should be attended while in the car at all times.


Breastmilk continues to be your baby’s best food. It should be baby’s only food until about 6 months and baby’s main food source until about 8-9 months.

Start offering fluids in a cup around 6 months of age.



Signs that your baby is ready for solids: Sitting up with minimal

support, reaches for food, able to grab objects and place them in mouth and lastly the "tongue retrusor reflex" disappears. This reflex is evident if you place food in infants mouth and his tongue pushes it right back out at you. If baby is 6 months and this is occurring wait another week and try again. Brush or clean gums/new teeth with a damp washcloth. Wash gums/new teeth daily.

Bottles and the drinks placed in them (including breastMILK) may cause cavities if used incorrectly. BreastFEEDING does not cause cavities even when used to put baby to sleep.

To prevent cavities caused by

bottle feeding follow these rules:

x No naptime or bedtime


x Do not allow infant to walk

around with bottle in mouth.

Honey and corn syrup may cause botulism in your infant until about a year of age (Breastfeeding decreases but does not eliminate your child’s risk of this illness.)

Ask your Health care provider if fluoride is needed especially if you are planning to wean or if your water is not fluoridated.


aInstall childproof outlet guards on all electrical outlets. aInstall GFI’s on all outlets near a water source. aApply safety latches to cabinets, drawers, and doors. aPoisons, medications, soaps, dishwashing detergent, and cleaners should be placed well out or reach and/or locked up. aPlace gates at steps. Low windows or those accessible by furniture need safety gates/bars. aTable cloths and cords to lamps or other appliances need to be out or reach.

aWhen cooking turn pot handles to the side out of reach. aCheck smoke detectors regularly and every October.

aPractice closing toilet lids and closing bathroom doors to prevent

Toilet drowning when older.

aPools and spa’s should have a self-locking gate surrounding them.

a Drapery and blind cords must be secured and out of reach.


)Different babies grow at

different rates. B

)Baby should be able to roll over, put things into mouth, and reach for and shake objects.

)Most babies can sit with support about 4-5 months and crawl at 6-8 months.

)Once crawling. allow baby to crawl in a safe clean area to develop strong legs and arms.

)Take time to play, talk , sing and read to your baby, this is how babies learn.

)Babies like to play with pots & pans plastic cups, spoons and dishes.

)Begin to teach baby the word , "No!" Remove baby from temptations/unsafe situations and/or remove the temptation and say, "NO!" Baby learns best by being shown gently and not by hitting or punishing. If you find yourself about to hit or harm your baby, call a friend, family member or a hot line for help.)

Copyright by Christine Betzold NP IBCLC